As a business owner myself, I am familiar with the needs and
desires of those who have the courage to start and operate their own
businesses. My own entrepreneurial experience goes all the way back to
1964 when, at the age of 5, I opened a Kool-Aid stand in my
grandparents’ back yard. Throughout my adult life I have been involved
in business start-ups, aided in business expansions, registered a patent
and trademarks, and authored a number of books and articles. I love to
listen to people talk about their business ideas and dreams. I also love
to help them bring their ideas and dreams to reality through innovative
marketing techniques.
“Build It Strong” is more than just a phrase. It is an attitude.
In order to be successful in business, one must start with a strong
foundation. I have witnessed far too many companies and organizations
get underway and even grow like nothing you’ve ever seen, only to watch
them eventually flounder and then fold because their infrastructure was
not sound. Starting a business is really not that difficult. Thousands
of them launch in the U.S. every day. Sustaining it and bringing it to
the owner’s desired goal are the real challenges.
“Build It Strong” is all about firming up the undergirding that
supports a successful business. The attitude actually begins long before
the business opens. It begins between the ears. With that in mind, the
section of this site entitled, “Keep Yourself Strong” will contain
articles that are designed to help the business owner and prospective
business owner stay sharp mentally. This is a discipline that must never
stop. Self-improvement and maintaining a positive mental attitude are
two exercises that should be practiced every day.
“Start Strong”
consists of practical articles for getting a business off the ground.
Over the years I have had many people come to me for advice on how to
start a business. They all wanted to turn their dreams into reality but
did not know how. Unfortunately, while “build it and they will come”
makes for a catchy phrase in “Field of Dreams,” in reality, it takes
much more to attract those all-important customers that are needed to
grow a business.
“Keep Yourself Strong”
contains articles that are designed to help the business owner and
prospective business owner stay sharp mentally and physically. This is a
discipline that must never stop. Self-improvement and maintaining a
positive mental attitude are two exercises that should be practiced
every day. Keeping yourself physically healthy will ensure that you have
the stamina to take your business to new heights of success.
“Get Stronger”
deals with ways to build your business. The typical business owner has a
product or service that he or she wants to get to the marketplace. Once
that is done, however, how does one expand the customer base? How does
the business owner stay ahead of the competition? How does he or she
handle daily operations to keep the infrastructure strong? Any business
owner will tell you that on any given day he or she may wear a number of
different hats (accountant, marketer, website designer, buyer, etc.).
Each of these items and many more like them need attention on a
frequent, if not daily, basis if you want to keep your business strong.
Finally, in “Finish Strong,”
you will learn how to bring your business to a successful and
profitable close. Many business owners see their businesses as the means
to an end. They want to sell their businesses and retire comfortably or
maybe even sell them and start new ones. Not everyone feels that way,
of course, but many do. Just as thousands of businesses get started in
the U.S. every day, thousands are listed for sale as well. How do you go
about selling something into which you have poured your heart and soul?
What are some practical guidelines for selling? What happens after the
sale? These and many more matters are addressed in “Finish Strong.”
The United States of America was built by hard-working,
conscientious men and women. With hearts devoted to their dreams,
individuals with this same entrepreneurial enthusiasm still toil
tirelessly today in their businesses. I congratulate you on your
entrepreneurial spirit and wish you the best. Now, go out and “Build It